Updated version of WSS Administrator’s Guide


Microsoft has release a new version of the Windows SharePoint Services Administrator’s Guide, it’s now updated with information about the latest features in WSS SP2.

Updated topics include the following:

* Backing Up and Restoring Web Sites
* Changing the Application Pool Identity for a Virtual Server
* Configuring Two Virtual Servers to Host the Same Content
* Extending Virtual Servers
* Hardware and Software Requirements
* Installation Considerations for Windows SharePoint Services
* Internet Explorer Enhanced Security and Windows SharePoint Services
* Introducing the Administration Tools for Windows SharePoint Services
* Introducing Windows SharePoint Services
* Managing the Configuration Database
* Migrating from WMSDE to SQL Server
* Remote SQL Server Deployment
* Security Considerations for Server and Site Configurations
* Separate Active Directory Directory Service Organization Unit Deployment
* Server Farm Scalable Hosting Mode Deployment
* Single Server Deployment
* Windows SharePoint Services Security Model

Download the Admin Guide at source: Download details: Windows SharePoint Services Administrator’s Guide